Post-Game Level Scale: Once the story is complete, all enemies will scale with the host's level, up to level 50.More XP from Missions: In True Vault Hunter Mode the player will gain substantially more XP from missions than they would in normal mode.Better Loot: Due to the nature of difficulty increase and the fact that the game becomes more difficult, in True Vault Hunter Mode there is a higher chance of enemies dropping better loot.Another example would be enemies like Blaster Nomad and Blaster Goliath, both of which are absent in normal mode.

New enemies also appear: The Psycho can spawn as the Armored Maniac, which is essentially an armored version of the original enemy. New Enemies: Due to the rise in difficulty in True Vault Hunter Mode some of the Normal mode enemies have been renamed.More Badasses: Badass variants of common enemies are more frequent in True Vault Hunter Mode, which in turn makes combat more challenging.In the case of an enemy that takes less damage from a certain element, they will gain extreme elemental resistance (i.e loaders will heavily resist incendiary damage as if they are all HOT Loaders, compared to only resisting it partially) Elemental Efficiency: Elements receive a much larger bonus/penalty versus targets they are strong/weak against.Proportionally the enemies' health will be greater. Increased Enemy Health: Foes will have far more health than they would in Normal mode, even if the enemy is of the same level as the character.Some of the differences in True Vault Hunter Mode as opposed to Normal mode are: True Vault Hunter Mode poses a new challenge for players and offers a more realistic experience in which some factors of the game have been modified to pose a greater difficulty.

Overview Borderlands 2 / Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel